Our Heritage​
In March of 1869, Bishop Dubuis selected Sisters Madeleine Chollet, St. Pierre Cinquin and Agnes Buisson from the Galveston community to go to San Antonio to establish Santa Rosa, the first Catholic hospital in that area.
As the Congregation grew, so did its ministries. Besides hospitals, the Sisters established several orphanages and schools, expanding their presence into Mexico in 1885. From our response to the urgent call of Bishop Claude Marie Dubuis in 1869, we have committed ourselves to incarnating God’s saving and healing presence in the world.

Our ministries in health, education and social justice extend into Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Ireland, Perú and the United States, all levels of education from kindergarten to university, and a health system that includes hospices, community clinics and hospitals. We are actively committed to our extensive pastoral and social ministries, dedicated to strengthen faith development among those we serve, to promote faithful stewardship of the earth and to empower people, especially women and children.

Our ministries are our living legacy. We invite you to discover who we are through the stories of our ministries and our sisters.
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word

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