Tag: Pandemic

IWF supports successful virtual job fair for people with criminal records

IWF supports successful virtual job fair for people with criminal records

While many of us strained against the stay-at-home orders of the pandemic, and were impatient to get back to normal, there were others who prepared to re-enter the world after a much longer time locked away. People with criminal records face great obstacles in reentry, especially in finding employment. In the St. Louis area, job fairs hosted by the Transformative Workforce Academy have helped to meet this need. The pandemic made in-person gatherings impossible, so this year, they hosted the fair virtually. It proved to be a huge success.

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As Catholic Christians, we believe in everlasting life, resurrection, and we participate in the resurrection, we believe, because of the gratuitous love of God, and God’s desire to be united with each one of us, now, and always – the Incarnation, God uniting Godself to us through the person of Jesus.

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The sequence (one of which will be recited, or preferably sung on the Feast of Pentecost) is thought to have begun (around the 9th century) as a genre of poetry when Roman chant was flourishing and spreading across Europe. As Roman chant was intended primarily as a musical meditation upon the Word of God, so the Sequence was intended as a musical, meditative extension of the Alleluia verse.

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When I entered religious life in my late 40’s, I was introduced (through living in community) to the practice of Sabbath, the intentional practice of keeping, truly keeping, the Sabbath. The Sabbath, for us Sunday, is meant to be a day kept separate from the ordinary. For me, Sabbath means I abstain from those things that are mundane, e.g., washing, cleaning house, grocery shopping, home repair, etc. In short, any responsibility. No committee meetings, no working on another project, no “I have to get this done.”

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