Tag: Feast of the Presentation

Feast of the Presentation

Feast of the Presentation

Today’s feast is an echo of the past Christmas season and the completion of the mystery of Jesus – born, revealed to Israel, manifested to the nations – is now encountered by the Church in the person of Simeon. In his prophecy Simeon both tells of the “light of revelation” and the sword that will pierce Mary’s heart. We know that Christ’s death will not overshadow the brightness of his light. We live the eternal spring – the new life that is Christ. Through his light, we can help dispel the darkness in this world.

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Feast of the Presentation

Feast of the Presentation

February 2nd is celebrated as the Feast of the Presentation … when Jesus was taken by his parents to the temple – as was to their custom – to be presented and consecrated to God. He was received and recognized by Simeon, and by Anna, two venerable elders. The scene is recounted in today’s Gospel.

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