Tag: Congregation

Charism? What is That? (Pt. 2)

Charism? What is That? (Pt. 2)

Thanks for your comments on Words for Life Charism article and for sharing your experiences of having felt that special gift of God through us.  Specifically, the charism of the Congregation is “the call to make the love of God as shown in the incarnation a real and tangible presence in the world today.” (Constitution of the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Art. #2)  What we strive to do in all our actions and our total being is to be Jesus present, real, felt here and now. –  here,- where we live and work, and now – in this present moment.

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2019 Assembly: Education Ministry

2019 Assembly: Education Ministry

With our hearts full of hope, with our spirit full of enthusiasm, and our hands on the Mission, we had the CCVI Education Assembly 2019, from May 1 to May 4, at Villa Porciúncula in Tesistán, Jalisco. This meeting of the representatives of the General Leadership Team, the Ministry Council, the Education Coordination Team, the Sisters in the Ministry and the leaders of nine CCVI Schools, was very special and touching because we lived in within the framework of the 150th Anniversary of the CCVI Congregation.

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