Los Quijotes were born in 1989, when more than 20 willing medical volunteers traveled to Jalapa, a poor area of Mexico City, upon the request of the CCVI Congregation. The group adopted the name of the famous Spanish character as they dreamed of doing good, fighting gigantic health problems with words, hands, medicines, good will and enthusiasm.
Today, September 10, 2019, the volunteer medical group, now numbering 90 professionals, celebrates 30 years of service as Ambassadors of Health, traveling to Mexico City, Chihuahua, the City of Oaxaca and other towns in the State of Oaxaca. On this visit, they dispensed health and healing to as many as 2, 500 poor citizens in rural areas outside of Oaxaca, in the course of five days. The number of patients served on this visit, represents the largest number reached thus far in the Quijotes’ history.
The Quijotes Medical Mission Group is comprised of the following professionals: Physicians, Nursing & Nursing Students, Dentists, Laboratory, Pharmacy Support, Ophthalmology, Physical Therapy, Community Health, Nutrition, Sonographer, Psychotherapy, Computer Data, UIW Faculty, Support Team and CCVI Spiritual Guides, who lead the medical group in prayerful reflection as they set out daily to serve the community.
Some of the more urgent medical cases served were: Diabetics with complications; eye problems of various kinds, prescriptions for glasses; donated glasses available; physical therapy for all/also Mothers with small children; dentistry with new dentures provided by local vendor; nutrition problems; pain management, diagnosis of various ailments with referrals; pharmacy with supply of donated medications and doctors to prescribe as needed.
The Local Government of Oaxaca is responsible for setting up the Medical Service Pavilion, using tents etc. to accommodate the numbers of patients while they transport the people from outlining areas to the sites chosen for service. This occurs on a rotating basis yearly, thus to assist a different group of clients each time.
Upon departure, the Quijotes Group rents a hotel room in the city to store its medical equipment and supplies until the next visit. While this arrangement has, thus far been fairly satisfactory, it’s far from ideal. At this visit, Sr. Kathleen Coughlin, CHRISTUS board member and former hospital administrator, together with CHRISTUS Mugerza, sought to initiate a plan to establish a formal Clinic in Oaxaca, which would certainly answer the many immediate needs in the community.
Sr. Teresa Stanley, who has been part of this Medical Mission Team since its inception, assisting with nursing skills and spiritual guidance, expressed the group’s amazement at the outpouring of gratitude received from the people served, as well as from the hosts of the Quijotes Mission.
Click here to see more pictures: 2019 Oaxaca