Psycho-spiritual care post COVID-19 “Healing the heart as a family”

by Sep 22, 2020Blog, Missionaries0 comments

Casa Claudio Maria Dubuis Community Center.

The project will be carried out in Magdalena Atlazolpa, Iztapalapa, from a mixed approach, face-to-face and virtual attention depending on the instructions from the health secretary and specific details from the people requesting the service.

The project will be divided into two periods, the first one from August to December 2020 and the second part from January to June 2021.

Magdalena Atlazolpa town is an area with social vulnerability, one of the most affected by the pandemic since it is located in the vicinity of Central de Abastos (the biggest supplies market in the country) and La Viga Market (the biggest seafood market in the city). The population is limited in economic resources. The main economic activity is based on informal commerce in the area, unemployment predominates and there is a significant backwardness in education, attention to physical and mental health.

Before a contingency like the current pandemic, unresolved issues in the psychological and spiritual area are triggered, generating greater vulnerability and hindering an adaptive response to the health emergency. Somatization or manifestations in the body, diabetes, heart attacks, outbreaks of herpes or dermatitis, headaches, sleep disorders, isolation and mental illness are common in such fragility.

The effects of the pandemic on youth and children have been evident: Lack of hope and sense of life, isolation in adolescents and anxiety in children.

Given the prolonged confinement in very small spaces, intra-family and gender violence have increased; there is an increase in the consumption of psycho-addictive substances.

The lack of structure in family life, where the same space is the office, school and home, the indispensable use of technologies and the lack of resources for all needs, alters moods, generates conflicts and, in other cases, exclusion and isolation are increasing.

The death of several members of the same family due to COVID-19 and other effects of the pandemic, keep the population in a state of shock at the surprise and incomprehensibility of this health emergency. This situation is aggravated by the impossibility of saying goodbye to their loved ones. For this reason, families require accompaniment that allows them to process their grief and overcome their fear, trust again and reactivate their social skills.

The project is aimed to benefit 20 families per semester, a total of 40 families, 160 people directly and 640 people indirectly.

To provide post-trauma care in the family, where there is multiple grief: loss of loved ones, employment, school, stability, health, etc. To heal and identify resilient resources, the reunion with their spirituality and recover their ethical minimums through psychospiritual listening spaces (face-to-face or virtual).

Click here for donations and to read more about this proyect.



In the header, picture of one of the first groups of “Emotions” from the Casa Claudio Maria Dubuis Community Center, taken on March 2nd, 2019.


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