Open Our Eyes to Your Light

by Mar 23, 2020Blog, Reflections, Spiritual Resources0 comments

Today, we’re invited to reflect joined as a community with this poem.

Open Our Eyes to Your Light

Light of the World,
as we journey through this challenging time, we pray you open our eyes to see you clearly.

Too often we see the darkness around us:
the child who goes hungry,
the mother who grieves her loss,
the family with no shelter,
the one with no family to call their own.

In these moments
it is easy to give in to despair.
Remind us Lord of your presence,
and transform us in your mercy.

As you revealed yourself to the
disciples on the mountain,
and to the blind man given sight,
we pray you will open our eyes to your presence.

Give us faith to see you
in the smile of a child,
the warm embrace of a family member,
the caring of one for another.

Lord, open our eyes so that
we may see your light in others, always,
and may be your light in times of darkness.


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