CCVI catechists Retreat in Tesistán, Jalisco

by Aug 30, 2019Blog, Missionaries0 comments

The Education Team Pastoral Coordinator organized a retreat. 59 people attended, including sisters and catechists from different CCVI schools: Santa Catarina Educational Center, Instituto Miguel Ángel, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel Ángel de Occidente, Instituto América, Colegio Mexicano, Colegio Central, Instituto Hispano Inglés, and Liceo Cervantino participated as a guest. The participants arrived on Thursday, August 1, where they were received by the Sisters, who organized and led the retreat.

After the reception, they went to the dining room for dinner and they later met at the hall where retreat started. The activity began with 3 questions that would be later shared in pairs. How do you arrive to the encounter? How do you feel? What are you thankful for? After this emotional moment, there was a final prayer. Then, they all went to their rooms.

One of the objectives of the encounter was: to open your capacity of who you are in the deep? The invitation was to recover a reflective space of silence and prayer, based on the foundation of who God is, because we are all in search of Him and we have experienced Him as a rock, as a fortress where we feel safe in uncertain times.

The exercises allowed us to work on different personal topics that would later be shared in the Sacred circles, in which each member shared their experience of how God is happening in their life.

On the last day, we had “the harvest of fruits”, an eternal gratitude to God for His presence to discover as Sacred space all that we feel and experience.

On Saturday, the objective of the session was to raise awareness of the space, recovering the reflective environment, of silence and prayer, the personal reflection of this day was to bring to mind moments of crisis, difficult situations, injuries. (Ez 37, 1-4) “Dry bones.” The being, difficulties and crises. The importance of this encounter with oneself was to have a global view of who I am and the degree of emergence of the realities of my being, the attitudes of my cerebral self regarding my being.

In each of the spaces, the most important thing was to recognize the qualities, weaknesses, how to face them and get ahead, making the best of oneself, without forgetting the presence of Jesus in my life.

The Eucharistic celebration was at 4:00 pm, to thank Jesus Incarnate Word for so many benefits received and where the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word gave us a bracelet, as a symbol of the CCVI legacy that they put in our hands, recognizing that we are part of this congregational history.

Receiving the bracelet was saying yes to living a life for God and a heart for the others, just as Claude Marie Dubuis and our first sisters did, Madeleine and Pierre, that is to say to accompany the life of faith of the school community, fostering spaces of encounter with the God of life. At night, we had a recreation where we had fun together and we enjoyed some delicious corn.

The encounter concluded on Sunday, August 4, after breakfast, full of the merciful love of Jesus Incarnate Word, hugs and photographs, each of the Pastoral teams returned to their place of origin to continue with the CCVI mission.


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