A prayer of gratitude for 150 years of blessings

by Dec 3, 2019150 Anniversary, Blog0 comments

150th Anniversary

Link to download: A prayer of gratitude for 150 years of blessings

We pray with joyful and profound Gratitude:

For God’s Word Incarnate in Jesus, and in all creation.

For the faithfulness of Bishop Claude Marie Dubuis and
Mothers Madeleine and Pierre,
whose foundation allows us to continue responding
to the needs of today’s world.

For the intimate ca to each of us to be
your Beloved Disciples.

For the challenges that made us strong and kept us humble
through years of expansion and decline and faithfulness,
always transforming us.

For ministries and institutions that invite
collaboration and hospitality
with your people in many countries and cultures
over these 15 decades of relationship and service.

For the women and men who share this
Spirituality, Charism and Mission,
Sisters, associates, missionaries,
collaborators and friends.

For the passion to continue to commit ourselves
to be your heart and hands
that care for your most vulnerable people
and live in solidarity with all your creation.

We give you thanks and we praise you. Amen.


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