The beginning of a new year offers us the opportunity to reflect on the events of the past year and their impact on our lives. It is as if we can look into a rear-view mirror and recall the various happenings on our journey, what we learned, and how we can continue to grow and develop in the year ahead. This retrospection also leads us to remember people who are close to us and to appreciate their influence in our lives.
It is a time to express our sincere gratitude as we recognize the service and generosity of hundreds of women and men who have confidence in us and in our mission and ministries, and have assisted us in achieving our goals.
Through our various ministries, the Congregation has extended its mission to make real and tangible the saving and healing love of the Incarnate Word to the people of God across the globe. It would not be possible for us to fulfill this mission without the support and commitment of each one of our benefactors and volunteers.
As we enter the New Year, 2017, we wish to express our gratitude to all those who support our ministries in the fields of Education, Healthcare, Social and Spiritual Services, to hundreds of vulnerable persons and communities in Mexico, Peru, the United States and Zambia. Their generosity can be expressed in the face of a child that was fed, of a family that broke its cycle of poverty, of an elderly woman or man who died in peace, and hundreds of other stories of people whose lives were transformed by love.
Thank you for making it possible for us to live “a life for God and a heart for others.” Our wish is that throughout 2017 you may continue to experience the joy and blessings of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word.
Happy New Year!
Martha Quiroga
Director of Communications