Seniors’ Day

by Sep 30, 2019Blog, Pastoral and Social0 comments

The daycare centers at the “Misericordia y Ternura” and “Senderos de Servicio” Communities celebrated “SENIORS’ DAY” on August 28th, enlivened by the presence of Willy the Magician.

The celebration had plenty of emotions, laughs, surprises and lots of joy, but also gratitude. Yes, gratitude to Jesus Incarnate Word for keeping us present in his work, at our ministry of adults at the Prime of Life, grateful for what we are provided through benefactors, grateful to our spiritual mothers who support us through their prayer.

Those of us who work at the day care believe “grandparents” are home-loving individuals, they smell of love, care, long hugs with eyes closed and a smile.

They are our memories, our complacency, our enjoyment and our tenderness.

They symbolize a place where we learned more values, despite having less rules; where we learned with temperance and peace.

Our grandparents make tangible the ephemeral nature of life, where we can feel the warmth of memories…

Likewise, during the Eucharistic celebration on August 30th, Reverend Father Silvio Marinelli Zucalli administered the sacrament of the Anointing of the sick for the grandparents at the “day care”, with the support of the servants.

This sacrament was rooted by our Sisters: Martha Josefina and Delfina Maria, with the purpose of making our Adults at their Prime feel comforted in physical and spiritual illness.

For this and much more, Blessed and forever Praised, Jesus Incarnate Word!

By Lizbeth Castañeda Soto.


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