The word “vocation” comes from the Latin word for “call”. Each of us is called by God to continue the mission of Jesus to transform the world.
Our response to this call, our “vocation”, helps us witness to the fundamental values of the Gospel, living lives of service and joy.
Discover how the Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word serve God in the world. We invite you to discover the specific way that God is calling you to serve.
Become a Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word
We are a community of religious women of different ages with diverse gifts and talents, from many countries and cultures. We are united in the call to live the mission of Jesus, and are committed to live that call in community.
If you feel God is calling you to fulfill your life’s mission of service through religious life, we have a lot in common. Get to know us and the work of our Congregation; join us and help us “wake up the world”.
Hear from our Sisters
Its predilection for and with the most vulnerable. The Congregation seeks to relieve suffering, especially of those most impacted by poverty.
Sister Katty Huanuco
It was difficult to witness the suffering of migrants, but it was gratifying to see how they regained their dignity at the shelter and retained it upon leaving. Seeing the volunteers working gave me hope for the possibility of a better world.
Sister Cecilia Zavala
There are no words to describe what a shelter is, only when you witness the relief it brings to so many people can you appreciate it in all its magnitude. What a blessing it is to be part of the solidarity with migrants and how it attracts like a magnet the solidarity of more people and institutions.
Sister Bertha Elena
We really need to welcome people with love and kindness, respect them and listen to them, joining in solidarity with them in the situations in which they are living, especially those who suffer the most. We need to love, enjoy and care for creation as God's perfect masterpiece, allowing it to be what it was created to be and not allowing it to be destroyed.
Sister Leonila Gonzalez
All this helped me to strengthen my heart; because when we touch the depths of our being, we can speak from the heart and by being there we make it possible for us to listen to our dreams. That inspiration that springs from the wise spring: our source. I will find the way, I know and I feel it.
Sister Sofia Mamani
Headwaters is for me a sanctuary where we seek to restore the beauty of nature through the cultivation and care of many volunteers so that it can be a space of life, health and energy for those who visit it.
Sister Aurora Ramirez
Contact Us
Directora: Sr. Rosantina Garzafox, CCVI
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Directora: Sr. Katty Huanuco, CCVI
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