Praying with windows, day 6

by May 5, 2020Blog, Spiritual Resources0 comments

“After three days they found him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions” (Luke 2:46).

Good and gracious God


We pray for the young men and women of today. Shine your truth into their hearts as they hear you in music, see you in art, and experience you through the love and care of family, friends and teachers. Build your hope into their lives as they encounter the power of nature, the majesty of the oceans, and the beauty in creation.

Sow your wisdom into their minds as they read scripture, discuss deeper issues of life, or encounter hardships or difficulties. Weave your love into their dreams as they find vision in their interests, opportunities for their talents, and aspirations for their abilities. Amen.

(Prayer for Youth, adapted:   


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